Gwinnett County

HomeschoolCompliance Subscriber: L Vereen

I am absolutely SOLD; Homeschool Compliance is exactly what I needed! I've always had trouble sending my attendance on time. Now I get a reminder to file and all I have to do is click on a link and all the days are already filled in for me, click on another link to file, and then get a confirmation with a PDF copy AND if that's not enough, acknowledgement that the file was received and viewed! You cannot get any better than that. Oh yes, you can; it's only $1 a month!!! All the exclamation marks cannot begin to show how excited I am to have this service available :-) Thank you very, very much for providing this.


  • 458872 documents filed
  • 21114 students
  • 13431  subscribers
  • 296  counties participating
