I registered for HomeschoolCompliance a few weeks ago, right about the time I was needing to send in my declaration of intent to the state. I was so eager to see if it would work as it was described...and I did not have to wait long. I immediately received an email from HomeschoolCompliance stating that my Declaration of Intent was sent to my school district; and it included the specific name of the department head. That email even included a link to a PDF copy for me to download and print for my files.
Within an hour, I had received an email notice that my email had been received by Gwinnett County's school district. It even informed me of the time that the email was opened.
My first comment after experiencing this wonderfully efficient and well-documented system was, "Where was HomeschoolCompliance twenty-one years ago when we started homeschooling?" In recent years, I have been faxing my reports to Gwinnett County, and requesting that they send me an email to let me know that it has been received.
I am very excited to be able to send my monthly attendance reports easily, quickly and with confidence that they are getting to the right person! Thank you, Scott Meadows, for making this available to all the homeschooling families in Georgia.
Janene Meents, Homeschool mom of 4 (22nd year of homeschooling) Gwinnett County
459,924 Documents Filed
459,924 Attendance and Intent forms are stored in our system
21,826 Students
This figure represents the total number of home schooled students