Georgia Homeschool Testimonials


  • To whom it may concern:

    I would like to take the time to thank the individual who came up with this BRILLIANT idea to efile our home school forms. As a parent to seven children, let me tell you a service like this (affordable as well as convenient) is a God-send! Surely, the creator of this program is a thoughtful, generous, caring individual who took the time to set this up to help MANY of us in the home school community who in spite of how well organized we are find it difficult to keep up to date with the filling out of forms.

    YOUR reminders, your ease of filling makes it so EASY for me to get it done! Therefore, thank you for not overpricing the service, thank you for making it user-friendly. This idea will increase your blessings 10-fold, for you have done for others what you wish someone had done for you! If I could meet you and give you a BIG OLE hug I would!!!

    I can not STRESS enough what a blessing this service is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    L Chauvin of Cherokee County

451,362 Documents Filed

451,362 Attendance and Intent forms are stored in our system

21,536 Students

This figure represents the total number of home schooled students

13,895 Subscribers

13,895 families file electronically