Georgia Homeschool Testimonials


  • Dear Sir: I cannot thank you enough for coming up with the e-file program! It is SO worth every penny! I think this is the first year that I have actually correctly filed every month. :) The first of every month reminder email was a great help - when I saw it, all I had to do was open it, review it, then click and send it in. It is the end of the school year now, and I know all my forms are turned in and taken care of. You certainly have a repeat customer here - we will be coming back in August! Thanks so much! C. Horne, Crawford Co.

    C Horne of Crawford County

458,870 Documents Filed

458,870 Attendance and Intent forms are stored in our system

21,768 Students

This figure represents the total number of home schooled students

14,129 Subscribers

14,129 families file electronically