Georgia Homeschool Testimonials


  • For the past 6 years, I have had to sit down and spend much of my precious time filling out forms, placing X's on attendance forms, making copies, etc. As homeschoolers, we don't have the luxury of running errands during the day without our children being with us all the time. And, I'm sure the school board must appreciate timely, easy to read, well documented forms. It's a win - win for the school board and the homeschooler. Homeschool Compliance has given me freedom! I don't have to add another thing onto my already full plate. I don't have to worry that my forms will be filed late or incomplete. I don't worry that I "missed" something. This is a much needed service to the homeschool community.

    A Johnson of Athens Clarke County

458,872 Documents Filed

458,872 Attendance and Intent forms are stored in our system

21,768 Students

This figure represents the total number of home schooled students

14,129 Subscribers

14,129 families file electronically